MySQL Issue: Table storage engine for ‘catalog_product_relation’ doesn’t have this option

When you export the Magento database dump from MySQL 5.5.x and try to import in MySQL 5.7.x, You are likely to face an error: ERROR 1031 (HY000) at line 3002: Table storage engine for ‘catalog_product_relation’ doesn’t have this option PROBLEM This is probably due to the table option that you have in your CREATE TABLE …

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Assign a group to the customer using dropdown or group code in Magento

If you are looking for functionality which allows customers to select their required customer group at registration & checkout either by using group dropdown or group code, then Customer Group Selector / Switcher Extension is for you. 1. Associate Customer Group Using Dropdown You can show the selected list of customer groups as dropdown at …

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Run Magento database repair tool from CLI using Ruby’s Mechanize

Shell Scripting which is great for task automation, falls short when it comes to web browser automation. In the case of Magento, using Shell script you can do many operations like Installation, Migration, Deployment, Backup, etc. & even more. But when it comes to run the Database Repair Tool(a great tool for repairing Magento database …

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