You may want to filter the shipping method in one-page checkout for one of the following cases:
- Filter shipping method based on Customer Group
- Filter Shipping method based on Country, State, Zipcode, etc
- Filter Shipping method based on products
- etc.
Unlike event: payment_method_is_active
for payment method filtration, we don’t have similar event: shipping_method_is_active
available for shipping method. Maybe Magento team forgot to implement it or it was too hard to implement due to the structure.
Whatever may be the reason we still can filter by overriding:
Suppose a skeleton module(MagePsycho_Shipmentfilter) has already been created. And for example purpose, we will be hiding flat rate shipping for non-logged in the customer.
1> Rewrite the shipping model class: ‘Mage_Shipping_Model_Shipping’
File: app/code/local/MagePsycho/Shipmentfilter/etc/config.xml
2> Override the method: collectCarrierRates()
File: app/code/local/MagePsycho/Shipmentfilter/Model/Shipping.php
* @category MagePsycho
* @package MagePsycho_Shipmentfilter
* @author [email protected]
* @website
* @license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
class MagePsycho_Shipmentfilter_Model_Shipping extends Mage_Shipping_Model_Shipping
public function collectCarrierRates($carrierCode, $request)
if (!$this->_checkCarrierAvailability($carrierCode, $request)) {
return $this;
return parent::collectCarrierRates($carrierCode, $request);
protected function _checkCarrierAvailability($carrierCode, $request = null)
$isLoggedIn = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn();
if($carrierCode == 'flatrate'){ #Hide Flat Rate for non logged in customers
return false;
return true;
3> That’s all.
Please share any other ideas you have.