Magento: Set product attribute values to take values from the default store

Have you ever ticked a ‘Use Default Value’ checkbox for Price (in store view level) and noticed the changes in the database?

If you tick the ‘Use Default Value’ checkbox for any product attribute (say Price) in store view level and save it. This will delete the related row in the database for that attribute, for the specific product, for that store id. And attribute will now take the default value.

Let’s explain this scenario in detail.

1st Approach

Use Default Value - Before checked

Fig: Before Checkbox Tick

Use Default Value Checkbox

Fig: After Checkbox Tick

So if you want to set the default value for any attribute, you can just tick the checkbox and save the product.
This process can be overhead in case of hundreds or thousands of product.

2nd Approach

Alternatively, you can use the SQL approach which is actually the background operation.
1 Find entity_type_id

SELECT entity_type_id FROM eav_entity_type WHERE entity_type_code = 'catalog_product';

2 Find attribute_id

SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute WHERE entity_type_id = 10 AND attribute_code = 'price';

Suppose attribute_code = price and entity_type_id = 10
3 Check if row for that attribute exists

SELECT * FROM catalog_product_entity_decimal WHERE entity_type_id = 10 AND attribute_id = 99 AND store_id = 3 AND entity_id = 123;

4 Delete that particular row

DELETE FROM catalog_product_entity_decimal WHERE entity_type_id = 10 AND attribute_id = 99 AND store_id = 3 AND entity_id = 123;

Now try to run SQL #3, will now give you the empty result.

So in general, You can use the following SQL

DELETE FROM {table_name}
WHERE entity_type_id = {entity_type_id}
AND attribute_id = {attribute_id}
AND store_id = {store_id}
AND entity_id = {entity_id}

In case you want to set the default value for all the products in that store just remove the ‘AND entity_id = {entity_id}’ filter.

In order to save yourself from the worst-case scenario, just take a backup of your DB.

Last but not least, must thank @MariusStrajeru for his valuable suggestions and willing to help nature.