Fix Region/State Dropdown not Loading on New Account Creation Page

By default, Magento doesn’t display any address fields on the new account creation (/customer/account/create) page. But if you ever want to, it’s just a piece of cake.

You simply have to set the flag show.address.fields to true in the layout XML file (customer_account_create.xml):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 * @category   MagePsycho
 * @package    MagePsycho_CustomerAddress
 * @author     Raj KB <[email protected]>
 * @website
 * @license  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
<page xmlns:xsi=""
        <referenceBlock name="customer_form_register">
            <action method="setShowAddressFields">
                <argument name="show.address.fields" xsi:type="boolean">true</argument>

With the above XML update, followed by cache refresh, you may see the customer creation page with address fields:

But did you notice that the "State/Province" field is not properly displayed?

Don't worry, this is a known issue (till Magento v2.4.2) - and we have the solution.


If you look at the app/code/Magento/Customer/view/frontend/templates/form/register.phtml file, you will quickly notice that the variables responsible for the field rendering are not output.

<script type="text/x-magento-init">
        "#country": {
            "regionUpdater": {
                "optionalRegionAllowed": <?= /* @noEscape */ $displayAll ? 'true' : 'false' ?>,
                "regionListId": "#region_id",
                "regionInputId": "#region",
                "postcodeId": "#zip",
                "form": "#form-validate",
                "regionJson": {$regionJson},
                "defaultRegion": "{$regionId}",
                "countriesWithOptionalZip": {$countriesWithOptionalZip}

To fix the issue, just replace the above code with

<script type="text/x-magento-init">
        "#country": {
            "regionUpdater": {
                "optionalRegionAllowed": <?= /* @noEscape */ $displayAll ? 'true' : 'false' ?>,
                "regionListId": "#region_id",
                "regionInputId": "#region",
                "postcodeId": "#zip",
                "form": "#form-validate",
                "regionJson": <?= /* @noEscape */ $regionJson ?>,
                "defaultRegion": "<?= /* @noEscape */ $regionId ?>",
                "countriesWithOptionalZip": <?= /* @noEscape */ $countriesWithOptionalZip ?>

Did you notice, we just echoed the $regionJson, $regionId, $countriesWithOptionalZip variables?
Correct! That's the solution.

Now, reload the /customer/account/create page, you will see the "Region/Province" field.

Yay! Thanks for reading.

Looking for a City Dropdown Extension?

We have got you covered with the "Region & City Dropdown Manager" Magento 2 extension which manages (add, edit, delete, bulk import) regions/states & cities, converts text-input city field to the select dropdown in checkout address (shipping & billing) & customer address pages for both storefront and backend.

Download the City Dropdown Extension